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Category: vbArticles
[Fixed] Invalid File Specified.. error returns!

Hey guys,
On a fresh install of 2.0, if I add an article, no matter what it says "Invalid File Specified" but I have browsed and found an article image. I don't know what it could be?


That will only happen if you did not upload the article together with an article image ( of jpg or gif format ).

Weird, I tried both gif and jpg. I was uploading it at the time of creating the article. This is done through the actual "articles.php" file, and not through the admin CP.

Edit 1:
Well, I found out that it's putting them in the "approve submitted articles" area, but the images still never uploaded.

Edit 2:
I went in the admin area to edit the article and added the article image.. It worked, the image uploaded fine, but above the "Image added successfully"
there was an error.. Maybe this is why I'm having this problem?
Warning: unlink(/home/user/path/to/forums/images/articles/): Is a directory in /adminareafoldername/vbarticles.php on line 1237

Image uploaded successfully.

Is anyone else having this problem?

Was it a .gif image you were trying to upload, that you are facing this problems ( article submission through frontend and not admincp ) ?

If so, my bad, error in my code.
Will be fixed in upcoming revision.

Well, it happened with both a .gif and .jpg

I've tried it from an account in each usergroup just to make sure I didn't do a permission setting wrong somewhere, but no dice.

Nothing to do with usergroup permission settings.

You are trying to add an article how ? Admincp or frontend ?

OH! btw, how did the interview go? Good, I hope?

EDIT: Front end, adding it via admincp works fine. But the problem is I have to rely on user submitted articles too much for what I'm trying to do.

Alright I guess, pending 2nd round, going for another later ( which includes a programming test, yikes !!

Ok just to be sure, we are talking about adding an article on Front end, and the article image we are talking about here is the article ICON and not the optional images you can add to the article, correct ?

Correct, the article icon.. and front end. Accessing through articles.php, and not admincp/vbarticles.php. :)

Problem fixed after going in to check.
Was an issue with KTBleeding customizing the install ( using 2 implementations of this hack on the same boards ) :)

Indeed, my mistake.. haha

Everyone already knows this, but I'll say it again. Cinq is awesome with supporting this hack, end of story.

Thanks again cinq.

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