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Category: vbArticles
[Pending] Auto-Approval Articles

Is there a way to have articles submitted by specific usergroups, such as the admins and mods be automatically approved?

Bump. I need this too.

Well, I could be wrong here but if you want it per usergroup, you'll have to wait for future versions cause coding in the permissions for everything like that would take quite a while.

However, I'm sure if you want to disable articles from being approved all together there is a way. I looked to see if I could figure it out for myself but had no luck. Hopefully cinq can point us in the right direction.

Ok, I'll include another usergroup permission to auto approve article submissions in the next version.

Actually... since my board/article feature is new... i enabled an auto approve by removing the submit article button and allowing for all articles to be submitted as approved "NON DRAFT"

Just look for the following code in articles.php

'$articles_articleid', '$categoryid', '$title', '$summary','$author', '$postedby', '".TIMENOW."', '$content', '1', '0', '1'

And substitute it with this...

'$articles_articleid', '$categoryid', '$title', '$summary','$author', '$postedby', '".TIMENOW."', '$content', '0', '0', '1'

This will insert article not as a draft... and just my moderators have the submit url... cheap fix but it works...

DISCLAIMER>>>> I did a quick review and it doesn't look like there are any dependencies for the DRAFT value in the ARTICLES_ARTICLE table...

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