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Category: vB Chat
Language Phrases For vBChat ?

Hi all. I would like to modify the following phrase:

"No one is currently inside vBChat"

I would like to modify this phrase to ____ (nothing there, like   ) But I can't find it anywhere in a search in phrase manager.

Any suggestions?

That's because i don't like vBulletin's phrase system :p

Just search in index.php for that and you will see it :)

- Zero Tolerance


I logged into my server via FTP and I searched in the index.php that is in the ROOT-ROOT directory, the one that is in the FORUM-ROOT directory, and the one that is in ADMINCP... I could not find any trace of this phrase or even "vBChat" for that matter?

Am I doing something wrong? Looking in the wrong place?

I would like to donate some loot to your fund. Where the "Sticky" up top to "Donate" ??? :surprised:

Perhaps you didn't make the edit to index.php, but it is there, search for:
$invBChat = "<i>No one is currently inside vBChat</i>";
In your forums root directory index.php

If you would like to donate, then read the first post in the vBChat topic, near the bottom :)

- Zero Tolerance

Well, by cracky! It was there. But for some reason my "find" feature would not locate it. Ah well, anyway...

Here is a section of code from forumroot/index.php: (with the section in question highlited)

foreach($vbchat_users as $invbc){
if($invBChat == ""){
$extra = "";
} else {
$extra = ", ";
// Get Username Style
$invbc['musername'] = fetch_musername($invbc);
$invBChat .= "{$extra}<a href='member.php?{$session['sessionurl']}&u={$invbc['userid']}'>{$invbc['musername']}</a>";
if($invBChat == ""){
$invBChat = "<i>No one is currently inside vBChat</i>";
foreach($userinfos AS $userid => $loggedin)
if ($userid != $bbuserinfo['userid'])
$loggedin['musername'] = fetch_musername($loggedin);
if (fetch_online_status($loggedin))

How do I modify the phrase to be BLANK (as in non-existent)?

And does this phrase appear anywhere else besides on the forumhome stats area?

Change it to:

$invBChat = "";

And if no users are inside, it will be blank.

And it appears no where else :)

- Zero Tolerance

$invBChat = "";

Thanks ZT.

I would like to take this opportunity to encourage others "enjoying" this hack to donate. It's only right.



OOPS! I erased index.php in Root-Root directory. Now I can't even access my website. Time to contact my webhost, I think. Any suggestions anyone?

Do you have index.php on your HD?

- Zero Tolerance

Do you have index.php on your HD?

- Zero Tolerance

Oh, ya... :nervous:

I guess that is why I do those weekly file and database backups. Thanks ZT.

I simply FTP'ed a copy of my root-root/index.php file back to the server. et voila!

No problem, this can be an example to all that backing up is estential for scenarios like this one :)

- Zero Tolerance

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