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Category: vB Chat
error in chat options

Under vbchat options in the control panel, when we push "save vbchat options," we get the following error:

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:

Invalid SQL: update vbchat_datastore set d_online='yes',d_allowbbcode='yes',d_chat_order='bottom',d_smiliedisplay='1',d_s milieamount='10',d_allowbantag='1',d_maxrooms='5',d_smilequery='0',d_autoprune=' 1',d_autoprunedays='1',d_roomprune='1' where did='1'
mysql error: Unknown column 'd_roomprune' in 'field list'

mysql error number: 1054

Date: Wednesday 02nd of March 2005 01:54:53 PM


Any idea which file might have the error?


It appears you didn't run an upgrade, the room prune option was established in v2.2, so it means you didn't do the upgrade from v2.1 -> v2.2

Run it, look in the archived versions for the upgrader.

- Zero Tolerance

This was supposed to be a fresh install of v2.3 but I didn't do it.

So do I run the installer from v2.1? I tried that and got an error. Yikes. This is getting messy.

Run this query:
alter table vbchat_datastore
add `d_roomprune` int(15) not null default '0';

If any more errors occur, paste them here :)

- Zero Tolerance

Thanks! We have it fixed now.

I have the same problem and when I tried to run the query, thats what I got

ALTER TABLE vbchat_datastore ADD `d_roomprune` int( 15 ) NOT NULL default '0'
MySQL said:

#1060 - Duplicate column name 'd_roomprune'

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:

Invalid SQL: update vbchat_datastore set d_online='yes',d_allowbbcode='yes',d_chat_order='bottom',d_smiliedisplay='0',d_s milieamount='10',d_allowbantag='1',d_maxrooms='5',d_smilequery='0',d_autoprune=' 0',d_autoprunedays='0',d_roomprune='1' where did='1'
mysql error: Unknown column 'd_smilequery' in 'field list'

mysql error number: 1054

You have a different error, i replied to it in the other thread. :)

- Zero Tolerance

thanks alot Zero :)

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