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Category: vB Chat
Chat posting out of order

Sometimes when my users type and submit, it post out of order. They can type and submit then type and submit a few seconds later and the second post is above the first post.

Any ideas why?



Sometimes when my users type and submit, it post out of order. They can type and submit then type and submit a few seconds later and the second post is above the first post.

Any ideas why?



Don't type so fast? :tired:

No...seriously...I only have this problem when I am typing at like Mach 10 and pressing the "enter" button like a rabid wolverine...

LOL, thanks for the answer, but looking for a real solution! :)

LOL, thanks for the answer, but looking for a real solution! :)

Glad you could see the humor. ;)

I'm waiting for an answer to this one as well... :nervous:

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