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Category: vBulletin 3.0 Styles
vBulletin 1.x Style for vB3

The vBulletin dev's released a vB2 style, so I got inspiration to make a vBulletin 1 style. :)

I haven't changed any templates, only colors, so yeah...

Enjoy. ^_^

I, personally, think vBulletin 1's style was better than vB2's... <_< >_>

Talk about ugly LOL actually i dont so much mind the Default vB2 style, at least on the .com site. i really like the vB3 styles

However nice job ^^

Thanks, Zachery. :)

Nice work Ryan. =)

Talk about ugly
However nice job ^^

He was congratulating me on my job, but he didn't like it. :p

It shows good effort, but i dont like the colors

Effort and end result == A+
My opinion == D- as i dont like the colors ;)


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