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Category: vBulletin 3.0 Styles
New Style: "Way Out Blue"

Hi all

Style: Way Out Blue / vB 3X (tested on vB 3 Gold to 3.0.3)

100% XHTML 1.0 Transitional Compliant

Style Contents:

1. wob-style.xml ( the style )
2. wob-language.xml ( the addon vbphrases )
3. PSD files ( header, button, quotes, navbar )
4. help files ( explaining each install process )


1. If you do not have PhotoShop, and would like me to create your header and navbar image logo and name, I will be glad to do this for you! Just post your request! The request should contain the following!

A. Site Name
B. button wording you want to use! ( New Topic, New Reply, Closed Topic )
C. navbar wording you want to use! ( Search, User Cp, Links )

2. If you need help with adding or removing anything from this style, just ask and I will help you. Only template and language phrases are included in this offer!

You can test this style here...

user: test
pass: test

Style Install Files:

You will need a zip and rar decompressor to extract the files...

I will post some screens later tonight, the computer I am on does not have a capture program!

I will also release the template Christmas Time by Friday, that style example is based on Way Out Blue template, you can view an example here....

c, ya...


Header needs a lot of work, and the colors are very bright. Other then that, great work!

Style: Way Out Blue / vB 3X (tested on vB 3 Gold to 3.0.3)Looks good. The only thing I'd suggest to to make the background graphics transparent instead of being 100% solid. When scrolling up & down the page the eyes are distracted to background graphics.

I will also release the template Christmas Time by Friday, that style example is based on Way Out Blue template, you can view an example here....Wow, very nice! That is going to be a very popular style!

Hi All....


A liquid version (floats 100%) will be included by evening tomorrow, I would do it now, but I am running a voting center today so I have not time right now!

C, ya...


where do I edit change the background image. I do not want to use the back.gif file that is included. I have also changed the path to the wob images. I cannot seem to find any reference to the back.gif file tho.

it will be in the css attributes of the body

I did not see it there. I finally went into the database directly and changed it.

See for yourself.

BTW, Thanks for this awesome style. It works wonderously.

Hi Fataqui,

I really like the snow falling down in the logo (Christmas Time fixed style). What is that, a jscript, an animated gif or something else? I want to add just the snow falling down to my current logo. How can I do that? Can you help me? Many thanks in advance!

Oh nevermind. I just found the answer myself. Downloaded the snow effect zip file and trying right now. Thank you very much!

This style is awesome.

See what I have done with it at

Question: If you look at my site, you will see the "More Hot Deals" text in the header of this style. How do I make that a link to the forum home?

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