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Category: vBulletin 3.6 Template Modifications
Show sub-Forums only for certain forums

Really small conditional that im sure anyone that knows anything about VBulletin's conditionals can figure out on their own, but I figured other members might want to know how to do this....

If you want to display the list of sub-forums only for some forum ids...

Be sure that sub-forums are enabled in AdminCP>Forum listing>Depth of sub-forums set to at least 1

in forumhome_forumbit_level2_post

look for <if condition="$show['subforums']"><div class="smallfont" style="margin-top:$stylevar[cellpadding]px">and replace it with <if condition="$show['subforums'] AND in_array($forum['forumid'], array(x))"><div class="smallfont" style="margin-top:$stylevar[cellpadding]px">


very nice been looking for something like this for ages!!!

Nice I also been looking for something like this.. Installed

I did everything, but the sub-forums still dont display on the forum index.

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