Helpful Information
Category: vBulletin 3.6 Styles
PRO style

PRO Style 3.6.0


1. Extract ZIP folder.
2. Upload the pro folder your forum root.
3. Log into your admin control panel.
4. Choose Styles -> Download/Upload Styles
5. Under Import Style XML File, click on "Browse..."
6. Find the xml 3.6.0 folder (from the ZIP you downloaded). Select the file that ends with .xml (there should be only one file).
7. Click Import

Thanks a lot :)


Real Nice

didn't seem to work that well, is there anyways to be able to set the colour a different colour and how to i replace the banner on the top.

great I like it

i'm going to do some change in it to be for 7 up ( seven up )

thanks man

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