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Category: Career, job, and business ideas or advice
Attractive CV

Hey guys, need some advice on building a CV that would grab an employers attention, its for a PHP developing job (18k + bonus's) if your an employer what type of cv would u be looking for? or if you are employed did you do anything special with your cv?
Thanks Rafiki

Although there are some differences between what employers are looking for in the US and the UK, I find that there is one overridding principle. Keep your job descriptions brief and to the point. I've seen plenty of resumes / cvs and you wouldn't believe the novels some people write about their job. Most of the time, I've found that the more verbose a job description is, the less they actually tell me what they did.

Personally, I'm a big fan of the STAR format (I think HR pros call this something else).

S/T = Situation or Task that you were in / assigned
A = Action you took
R = Result

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