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Category: Web Projects
Need Money $$$

Well, basically I need to make some money, and I decided to make this mony through webpages. I do not take much for my services, because i only need some money, notmuch, but if you feel like making me rich... I will just be happy :rolleyes: .

Any ways, I have experience in XHTML, JS, CSS, Flash, Photoshop, and a tiny bit of HTML :D....

So if anybody knows where I could make a bit money, please tell me :D

B.T.W: I can also learn new skills on request :D

Do you have links to past work done by you (ie: portfolio)? Work requests wise, this forum isn't just for the posting of "Where can I make some money?" Currently the way you worded your request doesn't really inspire a lot of confidence in people looking for web design work, and doesn't illustrate any actual experience you may have in this field.

Well i dont really have alot of pictures that i did in photoshop or anything, so no i dont havea a portoflio... all i could show are some of the scripts i wrote...

How can you be experienced in XHTML and CSS, but not HTML?


How can you be experienced in XHTML and CSS, but not HTML?


lol, it was a joke :D

That doesn't help your chances of getting any applicants... most people looking for a website won't go for someone who says the only know a little HTML, as you never clarified that you did know html in your first post... (smilies can mean anything)

well, im not really looking for anything professional, cause im not that good yet, just someone who might want a webpage....

you need to build up a portfolio -- so if you don't have anything in there yet... make them up. We call it a mock portfolio in print design -- just spend a weekend, and make five or more cool little sites (if you only want to do simple one page test designs, do about ten then), load them up to your site, and link them. They are fake, but atleast a prospective buyer would know your skills. I had to do that for print design to get going ;)

But... if you just want to do code work for people, maybe you are posting in the wrong place? You can assist Designers by writing their code, adjusting their code, improving their code for them? That's rather common.

you need to build up a portfolio -- so if you don't have anything in there yet... make them up. We call it a mock portfolio in print design -- just spend a weekend, and make five or more cool little sites (if you only want to do simple one page test designs, do about ten then), load them up to your site, and link them. They are fake, but atleast a prospective buyer would know your skills. I had to do that for print design to get going ;)

But... if you just want to do code work for people, maybe you are posting in the wrong place? You can assist Designers by writing their code, adjusting their code, improving their code for them? That's rather common.

Yea man, thats pritty much all i can do, CODING, im not that great with photoshop or flash yet

And you cant really make a portofolio with JS codes :(

B.T.W. Where would i have to post?

Well, you can post your scripts, couldn't you? A demonstration of your skills?

...and, by post, I mean on your own website, you'll need that to get this going :thumbsup:

But to put my work on a webpage I would need a server, a server cost money, which I am trying to make, so obiously i dont have it yet, so I cant get a server, so I cant make money, does that mean I can never start, or are there FREE servers WITHOUT forced adds, cuz I cant find them

hear check it out, i made this for my school, but that stupid add destroys everything, that would go real good in a portofolio... :(

<edit>doh, i need to post a link so u can actually "check it out" lol :D</edit>

The add messes up the whole positioning :(

Is it still legal if somebody would PayPal me some moeny even though i DO NOT have a green card???

Check out -- it's ten bucks a year for hosting. One of the main posters here runs it, Krycek. Would that be sustainable?

I must think about that one, but i would prefer a free one.... :rolleyes:
And i dont need those huge servers, i would only need a view megs :D

hmm... i know a free one would be nicer, but with what you get for $10 is extremely worth it.. invest a few bucks in a domain name and you're well set! You dont want a design site with an address: becuase it doesnt look professional enough to usually attract any work.

mhhh, check out GlobalWeb....
And as I said before, I dont need such a good server anyways, and i dont really need my own domain, scince im not playin on becaoming BillGates Junior.... :D

I wouldn't put that site in a portfolio...
Where the hell is your navigation on any other page besides "Home" ??? There isn't any!
Also, if this site is for your school, they MUST pay for a license to use brothercakes UDM.

Two things, the page is not on the school server, and it will never be uploaded, and i only redid the homepage, it would take years to redo the entire DFHS home page, and I wouldnt put it in my portofolio, It was only an example of how adds mess up my page

BTW: I do NOT need to buy a the UDM.... even the school would not have to buy it :D

Usage issues regarding Brothercake's UDM4 menu should be directed to him, and now has been. Please stay on topic, do not flame. The way JavaEOC decides to portray the image of his company is up to him. This forum is not intended for recommendations on business techniques, or site critique.

Anyone interested in JavaEOC's proposition; to tell him how to make money, then do so. Do not stray off topic as you have done so already.

Theres a simple solution to ads messing up your page... dont put them there! Make a design that doesnt use an ad... besides, ads shouldnt ruin your page... they should fit somwhere in the design.... So either make a page that incorperates ads well, or dont use any ads.

BTW: I do NOT need to buy a the UDM.... even the school would not have to buy it
Your personal site doesn't need to buy a license providing it generates no revenue - if you get click-through income from those ads then that counts as income.

It's the same for the school, but you can't agree to a non-commercial license on behalf of a third party - if you build a site for a non-commercial organisation and use the menu for that then you still have to buy a license if your interest in it is commercial - ie, if you got paid for building it.

Just to clear a few things up...

BrotherCake: I did not get paid for the website, and it WILL never be uploaded anyways, so there is nothing to worry about....

Missing-Score: :D, you said dont use ads, ha, THEY ARE FORCED ADS, i cant remove them (without it being illegal), the server adds a code to my page that looks just like this:

<!-- BEGIN text generated by server. PLEASE REMOVE -->
<script language="javascript">
var google_language="en";
var adHB=true;
<script language="javascript" src=""></script>
<script language="javascript">wDoL("top","X7HC40X");</script>
<script language="javascript">wCls("X7HC40X");</script>
<script language="javascript">wDoL("btm","X7HC40X");</script>

<script language="javascript">showA("X7HC40X");</script>
<!-- END text generated by server. PLEASE REMOVE -->

ahh! that explains alot, i thought you had placed the ad at the top of the page...Obviously not..

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