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Category: ASP.NET
Update XML textNode ASP.Net/VB.Net

Does anyone know a way and/or a tutorial that shows how to update a XML textNode value?



I would like to know how to change,




language VB.Net/Asp.Net

Before anything else, you might want to bookmark this... :)

Like most things in .NET, there are multiple ways of handling tasks, depending on your needs. Here's a simple snippet that opens an XML document, updates a node, and saves the document.

Imports System.Xml


Dim loXMLDoc As XmlDocument = New XmlDocument
Dim loNode As XmlNode

loNode = loXMLDoc.SelectSingleNode("//ParentNode/ChildNode1/ValueNode2")
loNode.InnerText = "UpdatedMoreData"

loNode = Nothing
loXMLDoc = Nothing

I've been looking around for days to find a SIMPLE sample - anbd this is just it - I can use this to read a value then update it - SIMPLE!


I tried doing this with a function and failed... what am I doing wrong?

Code that is very similar to this has worked for me in the past. Using SelectSingleNode is probably the most efficient way to do this.

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