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Category: Ajax and Design
RSS Ajax JavaScript ticker


I have found this nice tutorial ( on JavaScript Kits.

Now I'm trying to make good use of it but all RSS feeds in this script are stored in an array.

Like this:

"CNN" => "",
"BBC" => "",
"" => "",
"slashdot" => "",
"dynamicdrive" => ""

Than, this extract the feed URLs from the array.

$rssurl=isset($rsslist[$rssid])? $rsslist[$rssid] : die("Error: Can't find requested RSS in list.");

Can someone teach me how to modify this script, so it fetch RSS feed URLs from a MySQL table/rows instead?

I'm just not sure how to makes this script work with a database.
I knows how to connect to my DB, how to fetch data from it, build my mysql query and my php codes but I'm not sure how to put everything together.:confused:

And there is this JS which output the content:

<script type="text/javascript">
//rss_ticker(RSS_id, cachetime, divId, divClass, delay, optionalswitch)

new rss_ticker("CNN", 660, "cnnbox", "cnnclass", 10000, "showdescription")

... can't figure how this will works with the modifications.:confused:

I think this very nice script would be more useful for most.



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