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tForum to vBullentin


I was exploring my options of changing forum types from tForum to either vBullentin [#1 choice as of now] or PHPBB [#2 choice as of now]... my host told me to ask around to find out of if there was a converter for tForum to vBullentin, if not is it possible to have one made.

I'm not to sure what a converter is, I'm sure of what they do which is the obvoius.

In advance thanks for answering my question and hopefully I can look forward to the quickness and user ability vBullentin has.


As far as I know there isn't a converter out there, not one that will do the whole job!

I don't know if there is a tForum --> phpBB if there is the long way about it would be to convert tFroum --> phpBB then phpBB --> vBulletin

Here is the best info I could find on any converting (of thereads and posts only):

Yesterday night I finally finished converting my tForum to vBulletin. I wrote a php script to transfer the posts / threads form the tForum database to the vBulletin database (for increased difficulty, I have two seperate databases ).
You must have transferred the user database which should be a cakewalk using phpMyAdmin.

To use this script and transfer your databases, do the following:

1. Check the ForumID of the source and target forum.
2. Modify the transfer.php script by changing database, username, password, source and target board ids, and the userIDs in the 'IF' - section.
3. Point your browser to the script. If you didn't get any errors, everything should be fine.
4. Repeat step 1.-3. for every board you want to transfer.

I know the script is kinda akward to use and it could of course be much more comfortable, but it became late yesterday, I was tired and not motivated enough to make this script nicer to handle. Sorry
(Import Scripted As Attachment)

Hope this is of some help!

i am ready to buy bulletin too because of its cool features and awesome hacks!

but my boards are four months old and has 640 users and more than 60,000 posts! it is in tforum system.

i have zero knowledge about php and mysql so it's almost impossible for me to manually conevrt my forums from tforum to vbulletin... :surprised:

i hope somebody help all of us tforum users by creating a tforum to vbulletin conerter!

please, please, please...

i feel so hopeless...

ir ead somewhere that someone has found a converter from tforum to phpbb... i guess it is possible to convert tforum to phpbb... then just convert phpbb to vbulletin. i know the latter converter exists...

so anyone out there know of a tforum to phpbb converter?



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