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Category: Other Databases
SQL Statement

I'm running MS SQL 2000

I tried to do this

strSQL = "SELECT * from Stats where instr(lastvisit, @sDate) Order By LastVisit Desc"
Comm = new sqlCommand(strSQL, Conn)
Comm.Parameters.Add("@sDate", Calendar1.SelectedDate.ToShortDateString())

Calanendar1 is a .Net Calendar control and the page is in VB.Net. The Lastvisit column in the sql database is datetime type.

But it gives the error
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: 'instr' is not a recognized function name.

How do I use the instr function inside the sql statement?

strSQL = "SELECT * from Stats " _
& " where LastVisit Like '" & "'%" & sDate & "'" _
& " Order By LastVisit Desc"


It returned nothing.

So I decided to plug this string into the SQL Query Analyzer and it returned this when I ran it:
Your entry cannot be converted to a valid date time value.

The LastVisit column is a date time type. For an example, in one record, the last visit column has 1/29/2005 2:00:28 PM etc.


You can perhaps check the datetime parameter with the date type column.

SELECT * from TableName where DATEDIFF(d, DateField, @date) = 0 Order By DateField Desc


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