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Category: Other Databases
Newbie need help

Hi, I am a newbie in database. I did not study Computer programming and other sorts. I desperately need some help. I need to make a database which is something like a web form. I already have some of my datas in Excel which I would like to add into it and then I can edit it at will. I have computers with NT such as Win2K. I need some advice on what I should use to create the web form and also store it in the database. I need to have certain control on it such as viewing it, editting and printing. It is such as a program for adding in more data, editting excistting data, printing and also most importantly viewable from IE. Can it be done???? ( Should be like some inventory software which can display what parts that I need more, add in data, control input and output and print out what already have been taken out) TQ.

There are many ways to get database data into a web page. PhP, ASP, and Cold Fusion are all able to do this. They are web server add ons that go between the database and the web server.
The answer to your question will depend a little on what you know, and what webserver and database you will use.

If for example you have php and Access on a Windows PC with IIS or Apache, you would use ODBC to connect. Each page you create in php would pull data from your Access database via that link.

If you have MySql and php on a Unix or Windows system, you would only need the MySql functions in php.

Not once you get connected to your data, the way you use that data is up to you.

There are many ways to use it, for example this board is database driven. Each post goes into a database. Each search pulls records from that database, each time a post is edited, the changes are also put in the database. It doesn't look like Access, but thats the difference in a web app vs the database client.

If your looking for somone to code it for you, well, your out of luck.
But if you want to see some existing systems check out
PHPMyAdmin is a very good web based database app.

Let us know if you get stuck.

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