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Industry coding standards

Half of these are from NASA's Java style guide that I use at work(

1. Use whitespace liberally for readability:



if ($somevar == aconstant)

2. Braces on newlines:

if ($result) {


if ($result)

(this might not look important but in big files it greatly helps)

3. Don't exceed 80 chars per line (for code printing and reading on low-res and effectively-low-res environments). No example because it'll break the layout here, but if a line exceeds 80 chars, break it up a bit before 80, and then continue it on the next line while indenting one tab (NASA suggests two tabs but it can make the code very messy).

4. Use a 4-space (not a tab character) indent.
Wrong (right from vB2...):

if ($HTTP_POST_VARS['action']=="doupload") {

if ($HTTP_POST_FILES['avatarfile']) {
$avatarfile = $HTTP_POST_FILES['avatarfile']['tmp_name'];
$avatarfile_name = $HTTP_POST_FILES['avatarfile']['name'];


echo "<p>avatar successfuly uploaded</p>";



if ($HTTP_POST_VARS['action'] == "doupload")
if ($HTTP_POST_FILES['avatarfile'])
$avatarfile = $HTTP_POST_FILES['avatarfile']['tmp_name'];
$avatarfile_name = $HTTP_POST_FILES['avatarfile']['name'];

$avatarpath .= "/$avatarfile_name";
echo "<p>avatar successfuly uploaded</p>";
$HTTP_POST_VARS['action'] = "insert";

5. NEVER use deprecated methods of coding. Examples:
2. $somearray[somenonconstant]
3. mysql_db_query()

1. $_POST
2. $somearray['somenonconstant'] (a very common problem that you need to lose!)
3. mysql_query()

There are more and I don't mean to sound pushy, but every single thing I've said in this post is considered the professional industry standard and if you program for a profession then you'd be expected to follow these.

Thx for it Filburt, but we can't consider it as mistakes ... it's just better if you don't work alone, so it is clearer for everybody ;)

I'll take care for it in the future :)

A very good read.

Today at 03:32 PM grog6 said this in Post #2 (
Thx for it Filburt, but we can't consider it as mistakes ... it's just better if you don't work alone, so it is clearer for everybody ;)

I'll take care for it in the future :)

It's still a good habit to use for when you look back on your code a few months later and think "what the hell was I doing right here?"

format of your code is a biggy... and fro some langiages can be a bloody joke.. ie truebasic :mad: , tho i have to admit ive seen a fair few php scripts that over look putting braces on new lines etc.

Its amazing how annoying something like that can be sometimes

Good tips there filburt :)

- miSt

everyone started coding in a crappy style i think, but it's improving.

vb3 will follow these standarts above :)

Well i found out all about indenting by accident in my text editor today. It does it all automatically so... ;)

- miSt

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