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All $DB_site functions

well some people users db_site functions with out know all of them or what they are meaning

so here is the functions list for guys that want :

connect // connect to db server
affected_rows // same as mysql_affected_rows (show the rows that affected froum your query

geterrdesc // show mysql error

geterrno // show mysql error number

select_db // select database



query // runs query

fetch_array // same as mysql_fetch_array

free_result // same as mysql_free_result

query_first // does a query and returns first row

data_seek // goes to row $pos

num_rows // returns number of rows in query

num_fields // returns number of fields in query

field_name // returns the name of a field in a query

insert_id() // returns last auto_increment field number assigned

close() // closes connection to the database

print_query // prints out the last query executed in <pre> tags

escape_string // escapes characters in string depending on Characterset

halt // prints warning message when there is an error

and i think thats all
if you want to find out how they working, try


$DB_site is a class :) i think anyway

I remember Xenon did say $DB_site is an object, isn't it ;)

$DB_site is an object, speak it's an instance of the class called DB_Sql_vb which is definied in db_mysql.php


$DB_site site is a class but inside this class there is functions which coders used
so i just wanted them to be aware to all of the avilavble options...

$DB_site isn't a class it's an object the class is called DB_Sql_vb :)

But i think it's good to see a little explanation of it's possibilities :)

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