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INSERT INTO database

In this tuturial a lot of mySQL and PHP will become clear to you.
This tutorial was posted on and is very good for the novice (like me, i started yesterday with it, and im now getting the clue of mySQL and PHP together)


In this articel, i'll explain how to add text into a database.
The articel is wroten for newbies, and I think you know how to create a table in a database, though, i'm still explaining that part a bit.

The Tutorial:
To put text in a database, first of al you need a database and a tabel, we assume you already have a database, so you have to create your tabel


This table is called: table (woow, how did i get this ;P)
And the fields are called: naam, email, title, info (dutch)

Naam is a regular field to enter your name and may contain various characters (varchar) with 35 chars (35)
For email and titel is the same, but with info, it could be anything, this has been marked with TEXT, text hasn't got any preset length.
This code is easy to add in a database, just copy and paste the code in PHPmyAdmin

ok, second, we are going to make a form wich is called insertcode.php but that could be anything.

Add text<br>
<form action="addcode.php" method="post">
Naam:<br><input type="text" name="naam" size="20" maxlength="20"><br>
E-mail:<br><input type="text" name="email" size="30"><br>
<input type="text" name="titel" size="30"><br>
Info:<br><textarea rows="7" name="info" cols="39">
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Add"></form>

Ok, now you've got your table we are heading to the next part of this tutorial, because, with only a form you cant add anything.


if($submit) {


$insert = "INSERT INTO tabel (naam,email,titel,info)
VALUES ('','$naam','$email','$titel','$info')";
$query = mysql_query($insert)or die(mysql_error());

To explain this part, we've to talk a bit weird, but that explains best:

If: Add
Do: Connect Database, Add content of form to database

Just a notice:


<input type="text" name="naam" size="20" maxlength="20">

In this piece of code, it says the name of naam is naam. The content of naam will be put in the table naam.
Is doesn't mather how your form is called, only that everything is put in the right table.

$query = mysql_query($insert)or die(mysql_error());

In this code, it makes a mysql_query, called $insert, if it can't doe this query it will report an error.

I hope you know now a bit of the working of mySQL;)
Good Luck

Click here for SELECT FROM database tutorial (

Could you write a tutorial about "How to Update Database" ?

Joshua good stuff :)

Is there anyway to display the new table data that you've made in a post on the forum? For example; someone sends the data to the table and the forum then creates a new post and displays it. Each time someone sends this data to the table the forum posts a new post. How hard would it be to do this?

Do we have to use the user and password to connect to the database
this is not vbulletin style of connecting to database
I've seen lots of hacks don't use the user and password

otherwise how could they publish it to share it with others boards

Do we have to use the user and password to connect to the database
this is not vbulletin style of connecting to database
I've seen lots of hacks don't use the user and password

otherwise how could they publish it to share it with others boards
This article if from 2003.

No, you don't need to use a user/password to connect to the database.

Also this article shouldn't be in the vb section because it isn't using vb methods

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