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Category: General Coding
PHP 5.0.1 Released!

Well, I just want to be the first to post in this forum :D

I usually work with PHP, it should be nice to discuss with someone about PHP here :p

Cool, can't wait to check it out.

just kidding, I still work with PHP4 :D

actually I don't want to upgrade my PHP installation because I have several databases already installed including MySql and PostgreSql, Apache2 and PHP4 work fine for me.

may be I will try PHP5 on my second PC, any way PHP4 has anything I need to create my applications.

Hmmm.... CMIIW, but I think You can install more than one version of PHP in one computer, although You can only run one at a time.
Simply edit Apache's httpd.conf file. If I install php 4.3.2 in C:\php432, then i'll write :
ScriptAlias /php/ "c:/php432/"
LoadModule php4_module c:/php432/sapi/php4apache.dll

If I install php 5.0.1 in C:\php501, then I'll change the directory to c:\php501.
And of course I have to overwrite the php.ini file in the Windows directory with the one I use.

Note :
- I havent install php 5 though :p So maybe the config is a bit different...
- I always failed running php as an Apache module... :p

- I always failed running php as an Apache module... :p

just follow the installation instruction and it will be fine

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