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Category: vB4 Programming Discussions
token expired ,what todo?

Your submission could not be processed because the token has expired.

Please push the back button and reload the previous window

Did you read the error message you posted yourself?
Your submission could not be processed because the token has expired.

Please push the back button and reload the previous window

i read so post here wht to do now?

Do you understand the bit I highlighted? There is actually no "problem" to fix.

Hmmm, one of my members is experiencing this problem. He HAS hit the back button, reloaded the previous window, but he still gets the same error. I haven't been able to duplicate the problem.

Hmmm, one of my members is experiencing this problem. He HAS hit the back button, reloaded the previous window, but he still gets the same error. I haven't been able to duplicate the problem.

Having the same problem on one of my boards. Not everyone gets this message, just certain ppl, and they get it every time they try to upload an image/attachment.

does anyone have any thoughts? It's sporadic issue on my board too and one I can never recreate. It is mostly when uploading photos or adding a new album.

It's hard to tell since none of you are adding details of your particular situation (which is why it is good to start your own thread). Are the users all in the same usergroup or secondary usergroup? Using the same style? On the same page? Using a particular modification? So many factors can add into this.

One of my users got this as well. What he did was try to edit his signature. My forum is VB4.0.2

As this is a problem with standard vBulletin. it would be best to post this on Check the bug tracker first.

PS Also moving to vB4 forums as this seems not to be related to vB3.

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