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Changing the Sub-Navigation Text Color

I can't seem to find where to change the text color for the sub navigation that appears under the main navigation bar when you are drilled down into a forum.

The text I am referring to is the text that looks like the below

Home > Forum > General discussion > ect.

Edit the link_color and link_hover_color StyleVars.

I do not have those specific StyleVars available. I have the body_link_color and the body_link_color_hover Stylevars and both of those are set with no impact on those navigation links.

Check in:
Styles & Template > Style Manager > {your style}

Header > header_subtabbar_*

That covers the font in the bar directly below the navbar and not the smaller navigation text that is displayed below on pages within the forum. Still looking for a solution for this all over and no luck so far. I will post up something if I find it but keep the ideas coming :)

whay you are looking is breadcrumb.
currently there is no stylevars for it.

however you can overwrite it in styel manager> style name> edit templates> css templates> css_additional.css

paste inside:

/*-- fix breadcrumb text color --*/
#breadcrumbs .crumb-link {
color: #fff!important;

change that white text color to your own color, that just to test if it is working.

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