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Category: Graphics
How to have others upload images to website

;) Can anyone tell me how to create an area on my website that is edit-able by others? I'd like them to be able to add photos and captions without having to send them to me and have me post them online. So... a photo album type thing? Or for real estate where they can upload home images and insert listing info... thanks! Tz

You need to speak to your service provider to setup an area that can be shared with no password etc so they can basically ftp the files into a directory

You can also do this with PHP (Provided your host is running a version 4.3 or higher). 4.3 included many image functions, as well as built in FTP support. I haven't done it myself, but I know that you can have the user browse for a file, resize it (or not), and upload it via FTP.

You'll also need a database to keep track of which comments and images go together. Check out under the documentation if you need help with it.

this may not help at all, but if you just want other people to be able to sbmit pics, you can use various sites such as photobucket, and make a username and password that everyone can use

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