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Category: Graphics
Dno't save image

Went you see an image in X browser, an d you put the cursor over the image (or press rigth click in the image) the browser show you the option of save the image. How i can supress this option?

Thanks for the attention
FOX pro ®

(Perdon por mi ingles en realidad hablo español. ;P)

good luck, anybody that knows a decent amount about web design or even just how to use there browser can still take it. but if you want to try it, go for it.

This is the final solution:
<meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="no" />

This is the final solution:
<meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="no" />A word of caution:

If you have scripts on the page that use images large enough for this to come into play or even, sometimes just regular images, it will create a memory leak. Better to use the galleryimg="no" attribute on each individual image:

<img galleryimg="no" src="some.jpg"/>

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