Helpful Information
Category: Computer hardware and software
Computer Stupidities

Customer: "Can you fax me those drivers?"
Tech Support: "..."
Customer: "Well?"
Tech Support: "Sir, I can email the drivers if you wish, or you can download them free of charge from the web site."
Customer: "No! I don't have email. Can you fax them or not!?"
Tech Support: "Do you have a computer with web access?"
Customer: "No!"
Tech Support: "Sir, software drivers do not transmit well over fax machines. May I mail you a diskette with the drivers on it?"
Customer: "Too slow!"
:p This is what (only a little bit) of a faxed driver looks like:
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You know, I deal with stupid-ness like that day in and day out, every day of the week. Here's a good site that I go to for Technical Support Humor.

* My Friend: "What's your operating system?"
* Me: "Linux."
* My Friend: "You better uninstall it!"
* Me: "Why?"
* My Friend: "The government uses Linux to look through your computer and see your every move. They use it as a security camera into your world."
* Me: "Sure...."
Things like that start with an eletist sarcastic remark.
But its still hilarios.

I was calling to sign up with a new DSL provider. When the guy asked what operating system I was using, I said, "Linux." I was put on hold for five minutes, and then a supervisor came back and told me, "You can't use Linux to connect to the Internet. It's a hacker tool, anyway." I almost fell out of my chair.

I was calling to sign up with a new DSL provider. When the guy asked what operating system I was using, I said, "Linux." I was put on hold for five minutes, and then a supervisor came back and told me, "You can't use Linux to connect to the Internet. It's a hacker tool, anyway." I almost fell out of my chair.

You know, we get calls about people's Windows machines screwing up and we usually tell them that Windows is the problem, get Linux or a Mac. :D


AOHell users, marketing, stupid people, the list goes on.

I hope the effort isn't coordinated...

Thats an easy one. -==M$ Corp.==-


Well, usually people think linux is a hacker's tool just because of the misunderstanding between a hacker and a cracker. The next thing is because of the un-user-friendliness of (most) linux systems compared to windows, normal people usually only look at the plug-and-play side of things and not the security side and that's what brings them into trouble(usually).

As a matter of fact, this is completely true, actual HP helpdesk call of mine:

- [blahblah], how can I help you?
- Good afternoon, I'd like to ask about availability of HP-UX and Tru64 for hobbyists, enthusiasts, people like that.
- [a short silence] But we don't sell UNIces...
- I don't mean UNIX, I mean HP-UX...
- well, but UNIX is not a HP product, U-X, I recall...
[I began looking after my jaw on the floor]
- Ma'am, HP-UX...
- Please don't make fun of me! Please explain...
- Ma'am, HP-UX is a HP product for workstations...
- We don't sell operating systems [click]
Needless to say, 2 months later Tru64 UNIX Product Planning representative sends me, completely for free, brand new, most recent release of Tru64 5.1B-4 with non-commercial licenses, just because I asked :)

HP-UX I got off the eBay

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