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Category: Computer hardware and software
Deleting my vista install

A while back I installed Vista on my computer. (Wish I didn't waste my money. :mad: ) Now it is unbootable, and I cannot delete the windows folder. The only way I can think of to delete it is to boot a non-windows OS that supports writing NTFS, but I don't know any. Could someone help me get rid of this. I NEED THE SPACE!

You should be able to do it using most live CDs. Knoppix is capable, I think.

last version of knoppix i used (old) could only read
but what do i got to lose i need that 4gb

You can build a BartPE ( image and recover your files that way.

Could you add the drive to another, working computer, then boot and format that way?

It's quite a hassle to do that.

Not if you have two computers available and can just pop one HD into the other computer. Or, better yet, if you have an external harddrive enclosure.

I would still get a bootable CD. There's a risk of losing data when swapping/transferring.

I think the data is all gone anyway, from how this is setupi. I'm not sure, though, I suppose.

Hmm... then risk of damaging the actual drive itself.

Hmm... then...

Warning: Be careful.
Just like when playing with scissors. Or running near a pool.


Could you add the drive to another, working computer, then boot and format that way?

Accually i tried that but its a windows pc so i still couldn't.

but then i found this this one is better WOO ITS GONE!

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