Helpful Information
Category: vBulletin Open Source Products
Ideas for easier installation manual


1. Make cp statements easier
To make it more easy for the novice user (which should not install sphinx anyway), have
1. simple pwd statements and name these as colored pwd_1.
2. Most idiot proof is having the sphinx vbulletin product display you the actual forum directory with the /packages/... (think that's possible with PHP, isn't it?) as pwd2
3. So you can write cp pwd_1 (what you got from pwd statement) pwd_2 (what you got from vbulletin>admincp)

2. Remove possible pound signs (# characters) from vbulletin database password and modify forum_root/includes/config.php
# characters do not work in this implementation. Coffee told me about that here (


8. make install
=> not obvious clear that you have to run this as 7. 9. are for some cases only. Put 7. and 9. in 6. and 8. as "PROBLEM HERE: DO THIS" Then, you only have 7 steps.

Configure for vBulletin

5. Upload vbulletin-sphinx.php to /usr/local/sphinx/etc alongside the default sphinx.conf (May be named sphinx.conf.dist) file.
=> make cp statement with renaming the file some steps before when you were in the sphinx pre-installation directory
=> Move that to INSTALL SPHINX step 4. cd sphinx-0.9.8

16. Isn't there a way to just add the cronjobs to the linux cronjobs table by a command? Then just write these two commands here. Or just tell the novice that */10 is the command for "cronjob every ten minutes" :)

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