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Category: vBulletin Open Source Products
suggestion : thread to issue !!!


i suggest to add this option to the thread tool by which we can transform any thread from forum to issue in the pt

like this


This suggestion will be placed in our tracker. :)

yes! very important =)

I already adapted it to vB4 for my needs, it could be easy to integrate it as default feature.

Is it possible to convert a thread into an issue?
I used a forum for my bugs before and want to use project tools now.

This feature is not implemented actually, and could be added in a later release. We need to discuss about suggested features between devs :)

This feature is not implemented actually, and could be added in a later release. We need to discuss about suggested features between devs :)

i think it is very usefull and someone make it but for 3.8

i hope to see it implemented in 2.1.1


Until it's implemented I wrote a code snippet, that copies threads into project tools.


//MySQL Server-Data
$server = "localhost";
$db = "db";
$user = "user";
$pass = "pass";

$fromforum = 19;
$saveastype = "bug";
$projectid = 1;

//Create connection and connect
$conn = mysql_connect($server,$user,$pass);

//Select database

$res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM thread WHERE forumid=".$fromforum);

while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO pt_issue (projectid,issuetypeid,title,submituserid,submitusername,submitdate)
VALUES (".$projectid.",'".$saveastype."','".$r['title']."','".$r['postuserid']."','".$r['postusername']."','".$r['dateline']."')");
$res2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM post WHERE threadid=".$r['threadid']." ORDER BY dateline");
$issueid = mysql_insert_id();
while ($r2 = mysql_fetch_array($res2)) {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO pt_issuenote (issueid,dateline,pagetext,userid,username)
VALUES ('".$issueid."','".$r2['dateline']."','".$r2['pagetext']."','".$r2['userid']."','".$r2['username']."')");
mysql_query("UPDATE pt_issue SET lastpost='".$r2['dateline']."', lastactivity='".$r2['dateline']."', lastpostuserid='".$r2['userid']."', lastpostusername='".$r2['username']."' WHERE issueid=".$issueid);


Added into 2.1.1.

Added into 2.1.1.

thank you very much

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