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Category: Bug reports
Iframe SSI scripts don't work if the iframe is scrolled off-view on page load

When the iframe to be automatically re-sized is not visible when the page is loaded due to it being at the bottom of a page longer than the display height, then IE is returning zero for the scrollHeight parameter of the framed document, and so the resizing doesn't work.

It can be made to work if:

1. An "alert('Hello')" is inserted prior to the resize call. Maybe this forces IE to complete loading and rendering the whole page, or

2. setTimeout is used to delay the resize a number of seconds, and in this time the page is scrolled to make the iframe visible.

Haven't yet found a proper fix for the script. Is there an event that is triggered when the iframe is really being loaded and rendered?

In the meantime I've sucessfully implemented the alternative method described here:

Anyway, thanks for some great scripts!

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