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Category: Web Design
email forms

Hi all,
I'm looking for an email form of the type called "tell a friend" or "recommend"... which will allow a visitor to a website to place a friend's email address in a field and send a message to that friend to check out the website.
I've found a couple of examples since I began the search -- one in php and one for cgi, (looking at the html file)but I can't find ANY examples of the code that goes in the bin. Help would be greatly appreciated.

With php, you don't need a cgi-bin, because the code is embedded in the HTML page. php3 is probably a simple way to do it, but the available source code is limited.

Perl has tons of available source code, with plenty of scripts that do exactly what you're looking for, free of charge.

Have a look around ( , you're guaranteed to find something...


Thanks for your reply.
Are you saying that for the php one, the code in the page of the php file is all that is needed? (My domain host does support php but I haven't attempted to use it yet.)

Still for the purpose at hand, I believe I'll need a non-php one, as it will be on an NT server. And thanks, I'd forgotten about So far this little project has at least been an opportunity to update and reorganize my resource links.

Thanks again. I'm zeroing in on what I need.
Actually, it turns out that cgi-resources was one of the first places I visited when I started this search but this time, over a full day into the search I honed my search a little differently and hit pay dirt.
So... for anyone coming later and following this thread and wanting to know where to go -- it's:

You can also check out This site has a very nice tell-a friend script that can be easily implemented. This site also has other scripts such as mailing list, printer friendly format etc.

Hope this helps.

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