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Category: Programming Languages
How can I add Hours in a field??

Hi, the question here its how can I add hours? Im making a logbook for a virtual airline hobby of mine

I have a table called reports (flight reports) and I have a field for Flight time (flttime) so the flight hours are in the same field all like

pilot Flight flttime
1001 550 1:30
1002 552 2:30
1001 505 1:30
and on

so I have to select the pilot, so I use something like "select * form fltreports where piltos='$pilots'"

So now Im telling to selct in this case pilot 1001 ok? so now how can I tell php to add 1:30 + 1:30 = and return 3:00 Hrs??

So pilot 1001 has flown 3:00 Hrs

Thanx allot for the help

Even though it may seem silly at first, in mysql use seconds(for example 1:30 is 5400) and format it into HOUR:MINUTE for the page and scripts..
then adding and everything else is a piece of cake...

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