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Category: Web Site Management
ebay bid script? anyone ever tried?

hello. anyone ever tried to develop an ebay bid script? some kind like the sniper server tools e.g. last second bid... all i know so fare is how to make the socket...

$socket = fsockopen( "", 80 );
if( !$socket )
die( "Couldn't connect to eBay" );

fputs( $socket, "GET /ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1847045774 HTTP/1.1\n" );
fputs( $socket, "Connection: close\n" );
fputs( $socket, "Content-type: text/html\n\n" );

$eBayResult = "";
while( !feof( $socket ) )
$eBayResult .= fgets( $socket, 128 );

Are you looking for a pre-written script, or are you trying to develop your own?

Moved this to the Scripts forum.

if there is a out of the box solution i would take this... probably modifie it to my own suites.. well, i am going to have a look on the posted one.. thanks mates..

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