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Category: Java
Applet not working in IE 7

this below code was working fine in IE 6 but now it does not work in IE 7.
It seems like the applet never get completed, it freezes the page and i cant close the page until you go to Task manager.

could anyone please help me out.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN">
<link rel="StyleSheet" type="text/css" href="iClient.css">

<body class="vmtoc">
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write("<applet code=\"VMToc.class\" archive=\"\" codebase=\".\" class=\"vmtoc\" id=\"toc\" width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\">");
document.write("<param name=\"tabs\" value=\"Contents|Find|Index|Tables\" />")
document.write("<param name=\"buttons\" value=\"Open|Close|Sort|Tree|And|Or|Results|Find|Index\" />")
document.write("<param name=\"frame\" value=\"main\" />")
document.write("<param name=\"extension\" value=\".htm\" />")
document.write("<param name=\"contents\" value=\"RePublicoContents.gif\" />")
document.write("<param name=\"index\" value=\"RePublicoIndex.gif\" />")
document.write("<param name=\"ftsu\" value=\"RePublicoFind.gif\" />")
document.write("<param name=\"pageURL\" value=\""+document.URL+"\" />")
document.write("<param name=\"cabbase\" value=\"\" />")
document.write("<param name=\"debug\" value=\"0\" />")
document.write("<param name=\"mode\" value=\"100%\" />")

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