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Category: Java
Equation program

I am trying to write a program where the user inputs a number and presses a button and then it plugs the number into an equation and gives an answer. Here is the code I am working with. Im getting errors all over the place. any help would be great.

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;

// panel contianing components
public class CalculatorPanel extends JPanel{
// declare the parts of the equasion
private JLabel valueLabel, resultLabel, imageLabel, answerLabel;
private JTextField posInt;
private JButton calculateButton;
private double solution;
ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon ("expression.GIF");

// set up the GUI
public CalculatorPanel() {

// create labels
valueLabel = new JLabel("Enter a positive value:");
resultLabel = new JLabel("Value of expression: ");
imageLabel = new JLabel(icon);

// add text field
posInt = new JTextField (10);

// add listener and button
calculateButton = new JButton("Calculate Expression");
calculateButton.addActionListener (new PositiveIntListener());

// add to panel
add (imageLabel);
add (valueLabel);
add (posInt);
add (calculateButton);
add (resultLabel);
add (answerLabel);

// set size and background colo
setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, 150));

// Listener functions
private class PositiveIntListener implements ActionListener
// plug in the int into the equation
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
int integer;
integer = Integer.parseInt (text);
double result = Math.sqrt (Math.abs( 3* Math.pow((Integer), 5) - 12* Math.pow((Integer), 4) - 9* Math.pow((Integer), 2) + 2*Integer));

I have the driver program and im pretty sure it works. the 1st error im getting is around the integer = Integer.parseInt....

ANy advice will be great.

Based on my limited Java knowledge I think there are some issues in the source code you have furnished in your posting.

public class CalculatorPanel extends JPanel
There is no main method in this class.

integer = Integer.parseInt (text);
I wonder where you've declared the variable text. What is it?

double result = Math.sqrt (Math.abs( 3* Math.pow((Integer), 5) - 12* Math.pow((Integer), 4) - 9* Math.pow((Integer), 2) + 2*Integer));

Java is case sensitive you used Integer (java.lang.Integer) instead of integer (small case letter) in the above expression.

OK. 2 and 3 were right. Main is in my driver script. I fixed those 2 things and now im getting the error

i got it to compile but its not working. everything else is the same except this

int integer;
String text = posInt.getText();
integer = Integer.parseInt (text);
double result = Math.sqrt (Math.abs( 3* Math.pow((integer), 5) - 12* Math.pow((integer), 4) - 9* Math.pow((integer), 2) + 2*integer));

I'm surprised you got it to compile. Integer.parseInt() can throw a NumberFormatException, which needs to be caught at some point.

"Not working" isn't an adequate description of a problem. What's the output? What's the expected output? What was the original equation? If no output, what happens instead?

As codeexploiter said, you haven't defined a public static void main(String[]). Are you trying to call the class directly? If so, that won't work without a main().

Ok this is the error i am getting when i try and run it.

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at java.awt.Container.addImpl(
at java.awt.Container.add(
at CalculatorPanel.<init>(
at Project4b.main(

ANd here is my code.

import javax.swing.*;
// main driver class
import javax.swing.JFrame;

public class Project4b
// creates the main program frame
public static void main(String[]args)
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Calculate Expression");

frame.getContentPane().add(new CalculatorPanel());


import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;

// panel contianing components
public class CalculatorPanel extends JPanel{
// declare the parts of the equasion
private JLabel valueLabel, resultLabel, imageLabel, answerLabel;
private JTextField posInt;
private JButton calculateButton;
private double solution;
ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon ("expression.GIF");

// set up the GUI
public CalculatorPanel() {

// create labels
valueLabel = new JLabel("Enter a positive value:");
resultLabel = new JLabel("Value of expression: ");
imageLabel = new JLabel(icon);

// add text field
posInt = new JTextField (10);

// add listener and button
calculateButton = new JButton("Calculate Expression");
calculateButton.addActionListener (new PositiveIntListener());

// add to panel
add (imageLabel);
add (valueLabel);
add (posInt);
add (calculateButton);
add (resultLabel);
add (answerLabel);

// set size and background colo
setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, 150));

// Listener functions
private class PositiveIntListener implements ActionListener
// plug in the int into the equation
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
int integer;
String text = posInt.getText();
integer = Integer.parseInt (text);
double result = Math.sqrt (Math.abs( 3* Math.pow((integer), 5) - 12* Math.pow((integer), 4) - 9* Math.pow((integer), 2) + 2*integer));
sorry i was very undescript in my last post, i was in a bit of a rush.

and the output needs to have a picture being displayed, a box for the user to type in, a button, then the answer after its calculated.


NullPointerException is the segfault of the Java world: in a complex application, it usually means long hours of caffeine-fuelled debugging await, and the sight of it sends grown men crying in fear :)

Well, OK, maybe not quite that bad, but you get the idea.

In your application, thankfully, it's simple: answerLabel hasn't been initialised at the point where you try to add it to the panel.

I am confused by what your saying. What needs to be done to initialize it?

Nevermind i understand what you are saying. THANKS!!!

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