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Category: Java
Trouble with inheritance

Ok i am trying to get these childer classes to go back to the parent but i am having trouble. here is what i need the structure to look like.

Student ->Highschool, Middleschool, College ( -> undergrad and graduate)

I am having trouble with taking the info from grad. and undergrad back through to college then to student.
Here are the errors i am receiving when i try to compile and cannot find symbol
symbol : variable sID
location: class College
super(sName, sAge, sID, sSchoolName, sGPA);
^ cannot reference major before supertype constructor has been called
super(name, age, id, schoolName, gpa, major, minor, time);
^ cannot reference minor before supertype constructor has been called
super(name, age, id, schoolName, gpa, major, minor, time);
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : variable temp
location: class Graduate
return temp + "\nGraduate degree to be aquired: "+gradDegree+ "\nGRE score: "+GRE;

here is the code

class College extends Student
boolean time;
String major, minor;

public College(String sName, int sAge, int sId, String sSchoolName, double sGPA, String sMajor, String sMinor, boolean sTime)
super(sName, sAge, sID, sSchoolName, sGPA);
time = sTime;
major = sMajor;
minor = sMinor;

public String toString()
String temp = super.toString();
return temp + "\nMajor: "+major+"\nMinor: "+minor+"\n"+time;

class Graduate extends College
String gradDegree;
int GRE;

public Graduate(String name, int age, String schoolName, int id, double gpa, String maj, String min, boolean time, int gre, String degree)
super(name, age, id, schoolName, gpa, major, minor, time);
gradDegree = degree;
GRE = gre;

public String toString()
String temp1 = super.toString();
return temp + "\nGraduate degree to be aquired: "+gradDegree+ "\nGRE score: "+GRE;
} cannot find symbol
symbol : variable sIDCase-sensitivity has bitten you again: you defined it as sId.

Ahhh yeah thanks!

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