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Category: HTML Programming
IE table BG yes! Netscape no. WHY?!!

For some reason my tables dont display my background image 4x4 color gif in netscape unless there is content in the cell. IE dislays just fine. whats going on here? NOTE: This is when i set the background image for the table, not cells.

It's simply a bug in Netscape, and it's not the only one, MSIE and NN seem to display and parse table code differently in a lot of ways. Simple suggestion - put a space (&nbsp or a fullstop the same color as the background image in the cell.


ok.. well i figured out a fix..not a great one..but.. i just nested another table around it and that seemed to work. BTW- IE 4.0 has a great little bug where if you open a .doc .xls or any other office or ms app it opens a browserlike/applike window displaying the document. Then if you close the window. It forgets to kill the app process and you can't review the same link until the process is killed manually. Thats right, it doesnt show up on the task bar either. ctrl-alt-delete...whats this.. word is still running? Looks like they fixed it with IE 5 though.

does anyone know why IE will set a bg image for the whole table, but NN will set a table background image as the background for each individual cell. i tried to make the table bg the bg for the entire page, but the stupid marginss that NN adds made the alignment shift. Is it possible at all for Netscape to sset an image as a bg for the entire table?

That's basically just the way it is. Just use a nested table for content in a 1x1 table with bg and you'll be fine for both browsers. Also for getting the bg to show in netscape in an empty cell, best option is just to put a   in it or a 1x1 transparent gif (better for keeping a small cell size if desired). option is just to put a   in it...

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