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Category: JavaScript Development
passing variable by using url javascript

Hi everyone ...I hope you all can help me.

Actually I want pass several hidden variable over to another function program by using javascript.
my coding look like this:

function parse(){
var val=document.theform.result.value;
var url="http://path"+val;

<form name=theform action="new_page.php">
<input type=button name=flowbutton value=select onclick="parse()">

<input type=hidden name=result value=count>
*have few hidden varible.
actually this coding can work. However I want to pass several hidden variable over to another page and I can't pass over. This is because my button type is equal to button and not submit. If I use button type equal to submit, my javscript can't work properly.

so please help me. Can I use button type =submit so that I can pass all the variable over to other page and also the javascript work as well?



What exactly is keeping u from using the submit method? I think u can use the submit button & in the form tag use "onSubmit" to call ur script function.
This is supposed to work, if it doesn't plz let me know.

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