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Category: CSS Help
Re-direct browser for different CSS?


I want to do a webpage that will have two stylesheets, one for IE browsers and the other for Netscape browser. How can I do this with two different .css files?

I would like the browser to re-direct the user according to their browser.

thanks in advice!


It's not a redirect; you just need to link the page to the appropriate .css file. Here's one way:

<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript">

var b = document.layers ? 'NS4' : document.all ? 'IE' :
document.getElementById && !document.all ? 'NS6' : 'default';

document.write('<LINK rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'+ b + '_style.css">');


This will read into the document a .css file named "NS4_style.css" (or "IE_style.css"/"NS6_style.css"/"default_style.css") as needed. Change the filenames as desired. You can get much more granular (discriminating) with this - detect Mac platforms as well - but this is the basic principle.

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