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Category: FTP Help
FTP User

Kinda off-topic, but I don't know where else to post this. How can I setup an FTP-only account on FreeBSD? Adding a user with a /nonexistant shell doesn't seem to work. Please help! :)

I posed this question to a friend of mine, and here is his response:
I use ProFTPd and I use this as my FTP user under FreeBSD:

ftp:*:14:5::0:0:Anonymous FTP Admin:/home/ftp:/nonexistent

...has a virtual user feature. If you set up a secondary "passwd" file (which can be used along with your existing /etc/passwd file for registered, "real" users) you can have FTP logins that do not require a corresponding user account.

You'd have to create appropriately secured (chmod'd) directories to serve as file transfer locations. Download-only directories are easy to set-up without worrying about ownership...just make all the files read-only and the directories read+execute.


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