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Category: FTP Help
looking for more robust ftp server

I'm using bsd ftpd as my debian server's ftp daemon, but I would love something... dare I say it.... like war ftp, or serveU on win32.
I don't allow annonymous users, but I miss the advanced features the win servers offered, like seeing who's logged in, what they're transfering, the speed & ability to throttle at the user level, and logging exactly what was u/l or d/l and at what time.

I think the only thing bsdftpd offers is to log the connection (by ip, and it doesn't log the disconnect, or if any files were transfered at all), with a line like:
in.ftpd[1192]: connect from 123.456.789.0

Anybody got any suggestions?

The best unix based ftp server, bar none :D

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