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Category: Apache Development
httpd keeping alive too much time...

Hi all!

I have a problem with the Apache's daemon.
Every morning I log into my server, I find one or two "httpd" proceses running for almost 120 or 200 minutes.

When I run "top" the httpd proceses never runned more than one minute, until now.

I have the "Directive" KeepAlive Off

I don't know what is keeping alive this httpd!


keep alive has nothing to do with how long an httpd child process will stay resident. It deals with how long a connection will be maintained between the process and a client. BTW, it's a bad idea to turn this off completely (unless you NEVER have a local image on a page or use frames).

The directives you need to worry about have to do with SPARE SERVERS.

Please read the relevent sections of the Apache manual as this will give you more complete and reliable information than I can here.

Yep! It worked.

The Directives MaxSpareServers and MinSpareServers were too much big.


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