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Category: Apache Development
Documents in cgi-bin directory

Hi all,
I'm very new to Apache.
My config: NT4 with SP6, Apache 1.3.14, MySQL 3.23, PHP4, ActivePerl.

Apache, PHP and MySQL are running fine.
Now I trying to get Perl actived. I have a script installed in the cgi-bin directory, extension .CGI. The program works. However there's also a style.css file which is located inside the cgi-bin directory and some images.

Can I configure Apache so that it is allowed to have documents inside the cgi-bin?


ran into a similar issue with perl scripts in a scriptalias directory. Everything in it and in the subdirs where treated as cgi executables. The solution is to create a directory which is an alias for cgi-bin -- not scriptalias.
Then use: AddType application/x-httpd-cgi .cgi to direct the cgi handler in Apache to execute any .cgi (or .pl) script leaving everything else alone. Hope this helped.

Yep that did the trick. It's working now!


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