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Category: Beginner Programming
Data Saving & Retreival

I'm developing an application, I use DAOs to access data form the server, and I want the user to be able to save & open data entered in the application. I can't make the source code work. I'm using Visual Basic 6.0


[This message has been edited by Silas (edited April 26, 2000).]


there are several ways.

you could
- save it in the windows registry
- create a text file and store your data there:

dim fno as integer
fno = freefile
open "file.txt" for output as fno
print #fno, "Hello World"
close fno

- if you are accessing a database you could insert your data in it

dim rs as recordset
dim db as database
'open db - i don't know the command by heart
'then open the recordset
set rs = db.openrecordset("name_of_table", dbopendynaset);
'now insert your data
rs!Field1 = "Data1"
rs!Field2 = "Data2"

Hope this helps,

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