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Category: Beginner Programming
PHP Apache win98 is installed but what H***

Would really appreciate some guidance on getting PHP running in my browser. I am able to see script output when I type PHP scriptname.php3 from the command prompt but not in my browser( IE 5.0). I'm using apache 1.3.12, windows98 and PHP3. Apache is running fine. here is a shot of my Httpd.conf file and the only line I believe is relevant in PHP.ini. I followed the instructions verbatim.

ScriptAlias /php3/ "c:/Php3/"

AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .php3

AddType application/x-httpd-Php3 .php3 .phtml .php

Action application/x-httpd-php3 "/Php3/php.exe"

php.ini is in Windows directory
extension_dir = "C:Php3;

<Directory "c:/Apache/htdocs">
This says to serve my scripts from htdocs, I've tried that and the ScriptAlias directory to no avail. My root directory is C:apache.

appreciate some guidance.

This is a bare-bones config, make a backup of your old .conf and try this one, if it works you can start adding the other stuff.

Port 80
ServerName localhost
#assuming c:/php3/ is where php3 is!
ScriptAlias /php3/ "C:/php3/"
AddType application/x-httpd- .php3 .htm
Action application/x-httpd-php3 "/php3/php.exe"
ServerRoot "C:/apache"
DocumentRoot "C:/apache/htdocs/"
MaxClients 150
MaxRequestsPerChild 0
<Directory />
AllowOverride none
Options FollowSymLinks

Run Apache and type in http://localhost & see how it goes. Please back-up your old config.

Simon Wheeler

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