Helpful Information
Category: Beginner Programming

Is there a way to track specific users who visit my website? I need to track visitors that link to my site from another because I've agreed to pay them a commission on any referrals that sign up for services that came from their link. Are cookies the only way to do this? Thank you.

Some kind of scripting language is the best way to handle something like this. I'd recommend you learn PHP (


[QUOTE]Originally posted by SepodatiCreations:
[B]Some kind of scripting language is the best way to handle something like this. I'd recommend you learn PHP (


Do you know of any readily-available scripts out there already? I would like to implement this soon, although I do want to learn php. I read the 5 part tutorial and that got me relly interested in php, but it will take me a while to learn, especially since i am a very slow reader. thank you.

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