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Category: Web Design Help
Are these product images O.K.

I am trying to make these images good, Are they good or bad?
Are the file sizes O.K.?
How can I nake them better?
Any idea anyone?Sites product images and everything here (

There's nothing much wrong with the pictures themselves, a few lack deffinition (such as Fire Extinguishers etc..) but that's a problem with converting to gif. Possibly they need to be rescanned and try something like .png instead of .gif though it'll probably not make much difference.

Also the images are a little nondescript, though I'm not speaking from knowledge about pipes and fittings. I'm sure anyone who knows anything about the stuff wont be too bothered about a large image of an associated product rather than actual information.

I also think that the images are a little slow to load, after the bulk of the text and other graphics, especially for what is essentially decoration. Possibly a reduction in size would help to drop the file size and the loading time, this may detract from the site but I think the images are too large vertically anyway.

Also, there are places where you're using images for text, not a great idea. Why not just use CSS to describe the text style, saving download and rendering time?

Thanks for your comments.
I am going to go and get pissed. :-) ( for the second time this year )
Happy New Year, see you next year.

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