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HELP!!! convert Word to PDF?

I need to convert a Word doc to a pdf file. I don't have Adobe Distiller, so instead, I saved the file as a postscript file and used this site to convert it:

Well, it worked, but the fonts are all blurry and some things that were in color are now in black/white. It just doesn't look very "crisp" like the original Word doc. So I had my sister try it because she has Distiller. It was even worse, but I think that was due to the fact that the Word doc was made on a PC and she's on a Mac.

Anyone know how I can convert it and still have it look GOOD?

DO NOT double post like you did, and it is offtopic here.

Hi, i think it's not good to convert word to pdf using PostScript as intermediary when you can do it directly. try Altsoft Xml2PDF, it has good font compatibility :)

I use CutePDF for this type of thing. After you have it installed, you just click print from your word document and then save the file as a PDF, very simple.


I use CutePDF for this type of thing. After you have it installed, you just click print from your word document and then save the file as a PDF, very simple.


Hi, Minnow. Of course you are right, but using Xml2PDF you don't even need to open word document, just choose it from the folder and press format. it's also very simple.

Best regards,

Yes,there are many pdf converter in the market now,and all of them is quite easy to use, no doubt these contributor help us a lot when we facing the problem of how to convert a lot file to other format.just say thanks. :) espercially advanced pdf to word 5.0,it helps my dad a lot.He always need to deal with his E-books.

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