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Category: Dev Shed Lounge
Mac Vs PC

I've been wondering the percentage/number of users who view websites using Macs as opposed to Windows. Is it really worth running off another umpteen million versions of the same site, to sniff out and accomodate platforms/browsers?
Personally, we use both PC and Mac in our studio being a design agency - any comments anyone?

Adam Mellor

I discovered the difference when I saw that our web pages rendered with a blue background on a PC and green on a Mac. The problem was my choice of a background color not on the web palette. When I corrected this, the color became consistent on both platforms.

As a Mac user, my main pain in other web sites is the "font face" tag (depreciated in the current HTML Standard ( which often causes text to be almost illegible.:(

In order to make our message clear, I try to eliminate roadblocks on the information superhighway by checking our pages on both Mac and PC, and in both Netscape and Internet Explorer. I even have a WebTV viewer to cover that base.:)

I have "discovered" MACs on my current job. The company provides exhibit solutions and all the designers work on MACs. I am a parrt of teh design department...
Th e thing that drives mr crazy is that I design on a MAC and then have to "customise" my pages to also look god on a PC when the magority of th eweb users atr PC users. I think I would have felt better the other way around. But anyway, I have no WebTV, but I always make sure that my pages look good in IE5 and NS4.6 -7 on a PC and NS4.6-7 and IE4.5 and 5 on a MAC. Hopefully, it covers the majority...

Since you are on Macs, are you using BBEdit by Bare Bones ( It is the indispensible tool for HTML, Perl and some other goodies I haven't even gotten around to.

One of its best featues is a built-in HTML checker which helps you keep your code clean and technically correct. I couldn't live without it.

You can get a free sample "lite" version from their web site to check it out.

Actually I find Alpha to be a far better mac editor than BBedit.. supports many more languages and has auto indenting.
You need to install tcl/tk to run it and if you know how to code tcl you can customize the editor.

alpha url :-

Do all Mac users have pony-tail hair styles and Do all PC users wear Suits? :)

If this is the case want about unix and linux users?:confused:

Pony tail!? I wish.:rolleyes:

What happens when a Mac user puts Mac OS X ( on their G3 or G4 and it becomes a Unix box.;)

There is a growing number of Mac users these days, and the PC users are steadily declining. Perhaps it's the popularity of Mac laptops that is taking effect. But it's worth knowing, especially if you are in the web design and SEO industry.

:D lol :D
Why so many disagrees guys?
It's still a relevant topic 10 years later

Thread closed. The Mac vs. PC debate is a religious war to begin with, especially over the course of DECADES.

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