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Category: Dev Shed Lounge
This sucks

I was getting the hang of PHP programming and even made some cool little things like form validation and stuff but I got a job as an Artistic Director and for the past 6 months, I had no time to do anything for myself and my job is all graphic design and project management. This sucks because now I have some more time for myself, I just installed XP and got my computer to work just perfect. Now I get back on the horse, meaning starting to make a PHP based web site with easy things like navigation to start with. Geez I can't even do a elseif function without needing to look at ???? shoot! This sucks and is rather discouraging.

Anyway this is just a ramble but had to get it out of my system!

You can download the PHP documentation in multiple formats :)

Why would you need to look at PHP to use elseif? Why not learn the syntax and other language basics, then use the function reference to look up functions when you need them. You'll probably memorize the methods as you learn them. :)

Well, if you know PHP, then you probably know Perl.
In perl, its called elsif. Small discrepencies like this are absolutely aggravating when you constantly switch between the two languages. I've had to look up documentation on simple control statements as well.

you can use "else if" in all languages because it puts the "if" in an else construct which is all elsif, elseif, or elif (Python) do anyway :)

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