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Category: DB2 Development
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How do I identify in a VISUAL EXPLAIN graph that intra-partition parallelism is being used in access plan?

There are some examples of db2expln output in the Administration Guide. This isn't exactly the same as Visual Explain, but it should give you an idea of what to look for:

Also from the DB2 Visual Explain help documentation comes the following:
Operator name: TQUEUE

Represents: A table queue that is used to pass table data from one database agent to another when there are multiple database agents processing a query. Multiple database agents are used to process a query when parallelism is involved.

Table queue types are:

* Local: The table queue is used to pass data between database agents within a single node. A local table queue is used for intra-partition parallelism.

Please disregard it -- trying to understand how to start posting here. THanks.

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